Thursday, March 27, 2008

Honesty is the best policy or is it?

We are taught right from the being of our existence that honesty is the best policy. But as adults we know that is not always the case, sometimes a little finesse is needed when dealing with certain situations.

Recently a young man I have know since birth found himself in one of these situations. He chose honesty and paid the price but because of his honesty it wasn't as severe as it could have been.

He is currently a junior in high school. Evidently he swiped some passes off one of his teachers' desk. A couple of days later he found himself in a position where another teacher needed some passes because she was out of them. Being the helpful young man that he was raised to be, he offered the teacher his passes. (I know what was he thinking.)

The teacher took the passes and told him he needed to be reported to the administration office. This could be handled one of two ways: 1) he could go now and discuss it with administration or 2) he could be written up and called down to office in a day or two.

Again being the honest person he is, he opted for choice #1. He waited 2 hours sitting in the front office waiting to be called in to see the Assistant Principal, who is responsible for discipline.

She discussed the situation with him, explaining that taking the passes was considered theft. The penalty for theft is five days out of school suspension. (yahoo vacation time to most kids) But because he was honest about his involvement and came to the office of his own accord his punishment would be three days of in school suspension (which means sitting in classroom with a monitor for several hours doing work with no talking or socializing involved).

As parents given these situations we are forced to deal with them. His parents were flabbergasted by this dilemma. On the one hand they thought it was incredibly stupid, why didn't he say he found them on the floor in the hallway and on other hand they were glad that he was honest but not too thrilled with him missing three days of classes. Or for that matter, why would he even think to offer that teacher the passes in the first place.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Whose Your Dawgy?!

I'm participating in a blog chain this month. The topic is pets, mostly dogs.
Some talk about how their animals own them while one even enjoys being a pet to her husband.
After giving it some thought, I decided to write about how in my next life I want to come back as one of these pets. Don't get me wrong, some pets have terrible lives, living at the mercy of their owners. I'm talking about the type of pampered pets mentioned in the previous blog chain posts.
I look at my three dogs and think "Who has it better than you?!"

Here's how I see it.

Wake up stretching and scratching what needs attention. My humans tell me how happy they are to see me, tousle my hair and open the door so I can take care of business. They immediately come when I scratch at the door.

I spend the next hour exploring the house, nosing through the wastepaper baskets, leaving bits of whatever here and there. I move on to check on everyone, picking up a sock or scarf in one room and leaving it in another. My humans get annoyed but pick it all up for me. As the humans start getting ready for their day, I get some exercise running around sniffing for breakfast leftovers, supervising the making of lunches and trying to pull the bag of bread off the counter. Then there's the shoe races. I take a shoe and make my human chase me. By now my humans leave one by one to go where ever they go.

Thank goodness because I'm ready for a morning nap in a sunny location, preferably on a nice comfy chair. For the next several hours I get up occasionally to investigate a noise, bark at the birds and squirrels in the backyard, and adjust my napping spot to the position of the sun. Several hours later the humans start to return.

I am always happy when my humans return. It means "me time" begins. I go out and take care of business. I get treats (several but don't tell anyone). Everyone pets and loves on me telling me how I am the cutest, sweetest doggy there is. My dinner is prepared, served and cleaned up after I am done.

I spend my evenings curled up with one of my humans. Usually they spend time rubbing my belly or scratching my ears. Oh, how I love that. Overall I think I've done a fine job of training them so far.

Then there is Spa Day. Once every three weeks, I get to ride in the car. I go to another human's. She gives me a bath, conditioning my coat til it's so soft and smells wonderful. She brushes my coat while drying it, trimming any scraggly hairs as needed. My nails are filed and my ears are cleaned. I socialize with some of the other spa attendees, enjoying a relaxing day.

Yeah, whose got it better than me.

Here are some of the blogs in this month's blog chain. Check them out:

Secret Government EGGO Project
Fantastical Imagination
For the First Time
Virtual Wordsmith
Polenth's Quill
Food History
Spontaneous Derivation
Spittin' (out words) Like a Llama
Fresh Hell
Forbidden Snowflake
Virginia Lee's Vagaries